OK - got
this older diamond kernel to boot with early framebuffer output with the following default.txt:
set ramsize 0x08000000
set ramaddr 0x10000000
set mtype 1805
set KERNEL zImage
set initrd initrd.gz
set cmdline "msmts_calib=0x7a.0x5e.0x35a.0x37f lcd.density=210 msmvkeyb_toggle=off"
I am working on making the necessary changes to properly initialize the LCD panel, SD card, radio and framebuffer among other things for this device. Been working with the guys over on #htc-linux IRC channel, they are great. With their help I was able to pull the Haret console up and get some mmu dumps. They helped me analyze them, etc... They are saying memory management is not the issue here. Also they are saying mtype 1910 should have never worked nor 2426 (fb never init, sd etc...). Maybe it works on the GSM version - I have CDMA so no idea.
Anyway - with any luck hopefully I will get the latest source running on this pig.
dump mmu 1 output
dump mmu 2 output
booting linux