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Old 01-15-2010, 04:30 PM
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block sprint picture mail spam

I'm getting spam picture mails to my phone.

i use magicall to block/ignore sms and phone calls, but somehow he still gets his picturemail sent thru it! And, since installing "xsprint arcsoft mms" (thinking it would help with blocking somehow but it didn't), picturemail now gives me these lovely notifications when he sends his picture spam. I can verify that his normal phone calls and sms texts are being blocked/ignored by magicall so how in the world is he getting thru with his picturemail?

(As a side note: magicall still connects you to the blocked caller when you have him on pick/drop and you're on the phone with someone else. It's very awkward and irritating and it's happened to me with this spammer.)

I figure my only real option is to disable/uninstall picturemail all together, but I don't want to lose that functionality unless it's my last option. Is it even possible to disable picturemail but keep sms?

Please help! I need a solution. I just don't want to know at all that he's calling or spamming me.

I've searched for a solution but I've only searched after I received his spam and was upset about it so maybe I overlooked the answer. So, sorry if this has already been addressed. (And, yes, I did just get another picturemail spam.)

Last edited by jfbk2009; 01-15-2010 at 04:40 PM. Reason: add more info
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