Originally Posted by aeropatel
do you text a lot? If so, that is one reason why the phone would switch from EVDO to 1x. EVDO does not support sending sms so even if there is EVDO signal, the phone is forced to switch, by design.
If above is not the case, you can manually force your phone to stay in EVDO mode. but, you have to realize that if the EVDO signal is weak or not present in some areas, the phone is gonna eat through the battery very fast because it will be constantly searching to find a strong EVDO signal.
you can set the phone operation mode by going into settings > personal > phone > services > mode of operation.
also, try giving the Telus radio a try. i usually hear good things about it.
Wow, I never knew that... really surprising that EVDO doesn't support sms.
anyway, I tried Telus and it was a really "glitchy" radio for me, i'm currently running Alltel and all seems to be fine so far