Originally Posted by t0adman
Great post and Thanked! Can you tell me more about what each camera mode does? I'm also curious what INACTIVE means. Did you just choose not to make those reg edits or is there something wrong with them?
The "camera modes" are really the "capture modes" you can find/change by starting Camera and then clicking Show Nav - Capture Mode. Modes P1 thru P5 and P7 are the ones that show up by default. The ones not active are:
P6 = Burst - takes 30 pictures in quick succession
P8 = Sports - takes 5 pictures in quick succession
P9 = Video Share - configures automatically for sending via email
P10 = GPS Photo - GPS tagged photos
WRT P6, I just could never get it to work so yes, I just don't enable it. It will show up in the menu. You can select it. The camera will do something . . . Others may have had better luck with it - maybe I'm just too impatent.