Originally Posted by wedgemoose
Yup the whole thing. Once you add your next wallpaper or the same one again. a different string will come back. In that string there was a number (when you started). Once you do what your doing, it adds a long line that you have above (\My Documents\My Wallpapers\wallpaper_003.png.)
But that "Data Value" is supposed to be blank(once you delete it)....good luck....
again, when you add your next wallpaper you will notice that box filled out again. The only reason I know this is because i was doing something with my wallpaper and noticed my Data Value had the similar thing you have
Thank you! That worked. I'm using one of the Hubble .cabs that someone posted as a test wallpaper... hopefully I'll be able to make my own with HDWalls one of these days. I'm including the .jpg here (if I've used My Moblier correctly).The only glitch is that there is a semi-transparent background behind the line which holds the Verizon and HTC logos. This wasn't there in the original .cab so I guess it's something to do with my phone. I'll figure it out.
One last question (
)... When I do finally make my own wallpaper, do I have to uninstall the Hubble .cab first or just run mine and it will replace the other?
Thank you so much for all of your help. Maybe one day I'll be able to answer questions too.