Originally Posted by Revampd
When I get to "HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\HomeBackgroundPath" , I see: "Contents for <HomeBackgroundPath>: \My Documents\My Wallpapers\wallpaper_003.png.
What am I supposed to delete?
Revampd, I can't help u with your problem but YES that where the data value is. Once you add your wallpaper it fills in with what you wrote. But that is where the initial data value was. If you try again just delete that path...
HD walls is so the pictures we chose for our wallpaper come in clear. If u put them on your card and pick it as a wallpaper they are fuzzy. Once you use HDWalls they look crystal clear like the ones that came with our phones. Plus HDWalls does all this other stuff these guys are doing(curtians, ect)....