Originally Posted by chevy454
Well crapola...I'm getting the "incorrect device/version" error when I try to install the official patch? USCC Tp2, stock as delivered WM6.5/2.1man, with just a couple visual tweaks (crystal clock, clear slider, no banners)...and I did *not* install the workaround from Ziggy...?? Any ideas what the problem is???
{Incorrect Version
Incorrect device or version or previously installed. This hotfix will only support HTC Touch Pro 2 ver1.21.651.3 . 0x20}
Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Yeah I'm pretty sure every cooked ROM has the same result when copying that dll to the Windows directory. It killed my messaging when I tried it on indagroove's Titanium, and I haven't seen anyone post any success stories with any cooked ROMs yet.
Of course I'm on Sprint, so I don't know if it will be different for the Verizon users...
Since most of the cooked ROMs are probably using the USC OEMDrivers or the newer VZW MR1, it does not work. The patched version for Sprint is from 6.1 21052, and the USC is using 6.5 21864. According to HTC this morning, they will be releasing a fix for ALL phones, to include the Verizon MR1, 6.5, and USC. They just haven't got them done/posted yet.