Originally Posted by drtechno
I have had the same problem with my tp2...It bugged the heck out of me but I found a cab that you can run to take care of a problem...You need to download this file called fixunreadcount> put the cab on your phone or storage card>run it...This should take care of the problem...Also if you ever get the problem with your phone always saying you have 1 new voicemail when you don't you have to go to your voicemail> leave yourself a voicemail> delete it> and it takes care of that problem...good luck tho, enjoy the phone!!
This has happened to me as well - I keep this program on my storage card. Do a clear txts - then close out of the messaging - run that program, soft reset and you should be good - I came close to hard resetting to fix it but this thing fixed it no problem. Good program to keep on your sd! It's actually an exe file for your phone, it doesn't install - u just run it when you have the issue (just run it via file explore on your phone)