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Old 01-15-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: Coming to the United States?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
but you can see how that website is very vague about anything actually getting anywhere near 21mbps and that it DOES have a lot of qualifications on getting that kind of speed, especially on older devices. It is very nebulous and the wording is sketchy. Did Tmobile tweet right out that "yes your mytouch3G or other 3G devices CURRENTLY on the market can get 21mbps with their current hardware" or did they just say "yeah its backwards compatible see this vague site"?

I agree with you about the fact that "even so.... will be fast..." I'm just doubting current devices getting anything near 21mbps.

edit: I also would rather be on hspa+ than wimax, so we agree on that point, towers on walmart or not.
you are correct we will never see those speeds, but a hspa+ device will get faster speeds then wimax. My main point wasn't that the phone can even do 21mbps but it can do faster speeds then wimax.
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Last edited by p-slim; 01-15-2010 at 01:19 PM.
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