Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs
ok here's something I think may be a bug...the camera will not allow me to save pics to my storage card...4gb mini sdhc...I can do everything else but when I try and take a pic I get an error "unable to capture photo not enough memory" it allows me to select the card as an option but refuses to let me save to it...I have sd+sdhc drivers from the kitchen and a sprint specific rom baked up...anyone else with this issue?
Word is even with sdhc, the camera app has the same limitation as it always had - i.e. it can't see any free memory at all on the storage card unless it is less than 2GB. That means you must load your card halfway with other stuff (making the free memory less than 2GB), then the camera will save directly to the card.
I don't remember the "not enough memory" error occurring when this used to happen on 3.5, so your issue may be different. Good luck, tmb