You'll find that the kitchen is SOOOOO user friendly, that you aren't really cooking....more like baking (all the ingredients are there, you just have to add them (click a few boxes), put it in the oven (attach you phone after a Hard reset and putting in bootloader mode) and bake away (click one button to upload the ROM to your device).
your "clean and simple" can be as clean and simple as you want it to be. Furthermore, there are default settings which will just require you to just upload the ROM without having to make your own choices.
Try'll find its pretty easy..heck...even a caveman can do it.
here's a link to a clean and simple I saw on the front page, there are more, just might have to be more specific with the search
BTW...I just noticed that this is based on an older version of the ROM. I strongly recommend trying the new kitchen by helmi_C and the crew. These guys REALLY have mad it simple
Also, do a search for saridnour's ROM (or just look up saridnour). I used to use his and it was pretty "clean and simple."
Hope that helps!
Happy Holidays!!!