Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09
Root, I'm on your 0113 2.1 Darkrom and I just sent a text. Now the screen position is off at the bottom. I hit the task manager and closed the task manager and its back to normal. Not a big deal but thought you'd want to know. Also when I text, I start to type and if it's just a small text like ten words or so, when I finish typing the letters will start to appear on the screen. I flashdanced and hard reset twice before setting anything up. I didn't restore any messages and it's slow to type. It's crazy lag when typing. Then once I hit send and close the keyboard, the position is off again. Just some issues I'm having. Maybe I should try another 2.5 build again. I just hate having to flash again and reorganize my start menu all over again.
How about a bare bones Sense 2.1 dusk rom? Just the HTC apps like the calculator and quickgps and little necessities like that. Maybe a little beta testing on that might quell different issues. Keep up all the great work! I appreciate it!