Originally Posted by NIKKG
I swear, I don't think any of you have actually used an iPhone for an amount of time longer than a glance at the electronics store. I had the iPhone 3G the day it came out for about 6 months last year before coming to Sprint, trust me, its WAYYYYYYYYYY better than WinMo. The only reason I switched is because ATT had 3G issues in my area and the price of ATT service was not worth it.
Now if Sprint was able to get the iPhone and I can put it on Sero, I'll jump in a heartbeat. Even if I had to pay twice the price of my Sero, the iPhone is still worth it. Yes, its that much better. The only thing I didn't like is Apple has too much control, but you can jailbreak it and tell Apple to go screw themselves. I hate Apple with a passion, but I have to admit the iPhone rocks!
Whupdedoo, it works for your life; no need to repeat yourself as you have already made that apparent in your first post.
To be honest, I gave the Iphone a shot (used my friends phone for a while); while it isnt a bad phone, it simply doesnt hold a candle to the TP2, or WM platform, for its utility.
Quick examples:
- I like how I can boot up WifiRouter while my phone is giving directions and playing music through car speakers.
- I like how I can pull out the stylus in mid call and the phone automatically brings me to notepad so I can jot important notes.
- I like how I can enable my bluetooth headset, throw the phone under my 3 layers of snowboard gear, listen to music and get notified by voice when a friend or work is calling me.
- I like how I can still use the screen and buttons while I'm wearing gloves.
- I LOVE how pocket Excel is as versitile as the desktop version, lets me bang out quick formulas, and save them to tweak, or view on my laptop or desktop.
- I like how PocketOffice can pretty much read/edit/save any document without fudging up the extension and making it unreadable to desktops.
So yes, I have taken the iPhone for a good testdrive. While It works perfectly for you, again, I like my phone because its versitile and doesnt try to sell me gimmicky gadgets to show off to my friends