Originally Posted by NIKKG
I swear, I don't think any of you have actually used an iPhone for an amount of time longer than a glance at the electronics store. ...
Now if Sprint was able to get the iPhone and I can put it on Sero, I'll jump in a heartbeat. Even if I had to pay twice the price of my Sero, the iPhone is still worth it. Yes, its that much better. The only thing I didn't like is Apple has too much control, but you can jailbreak it and tell Apple to go screw themselves. I hate Apple with a passion, but I have to admit the iPhone rocks!
+1... these threads are just a collection of ignorant posts about the iphone from people who have never used them. Obviously the iphone is not for everyone but that doesn't mean it stinks. They just hate it because it gets the most attention and some of the iphone users are jerks. So whenever the word "iphone" comes up, there is this emotional need to put it down and defend our own devices.