Originally Posted by rawdog805
You can download what ever you want to your Iphone using Torrentula, and/or Safari download Plugin, and Safari download Manager located in cydia....
Also you can respond to texts while in a game by using the QuickReply program located in cydia..
I havent hooked my Iphone up to a computer since I jailbroke it as I dont need to, becuase I can download whatever and install or extract using iFile, or a program similar... So I wouldnt agree that you need a computer around more for the Iphone.. Its about even in this category if you get the right programs...
I'll give a few of these programs a whirl. Thanks for the heads up. However, I can reply to a text, great, I need a special program to do this. What if I want to do something else and backgrounder doesn't successfully background the program I'm currently running? Cydia blows by the way, amazingly slow. Have you tried Rock?