Originally Posted by mwalt2
I never said he wouldn't be back or that he wasn't busy. I just remember all the posts about him needing software and it looks like he got over $200 donated to him for the software. I was curious if he was planning anything since he hasn't posted in this thread for over 2 months. For all I know, he's not even running a 6.5 rom...hence why I asked if there would (or would not) be any updates.
i dont think the fact that he may not be running 6.5 is the reason for no updates. i do remember when 6.5 1st came out, he wasnt running 6.5 and was still making taskbars for 6.5. so whether or not he uses 6.1, 6.5 or even 6.5x, hes always made for them before.