Originally Posted by i4get75
I'm on USC and have never had any luck with EnergyRom and MMS.
Originally Posted by i4get75
The MMS fix? The Verizon one or the Arcsoft fix for USC?
Originally Posted by i4get75
Not having any luck. Tried the Arksoft fix, softreset...nothing. fails after a couple of minutes.
I'm going to uninstall the Arksoft and try just the server settings....never worked before on this ROM but ya never know.
If anyone uses EnergyROM and USC is on here..please let me know what your MMS settings are. I love this rom and want to use it but I'd like to have MMS also.
I'm on USC and am using the
23518 build i have MMS working. Here is how. My Guide is a great place to start
[Guide] USCC TP2 to EnergyROM
First off USC MMS just wont work with sense 2.5 (at least not that I can get it to work AND i have tried everything). But there are some work arounds that i have found that i now can get both Pic & Vid MMS.
First, Do this from a clean flash, do not install any MMS fixes or carrier cabs use fresh out of the box ...
set up your MMS Server in the HTC Messaging like this.
Navigate to the Messaging Tab > All Messages > Menu > Settings > Options > Menu > MMS Server > + New
Enter the following settings
Server name: USC
Gateway: (Leave blank)
Port number: 80
Server address: http://mmsc1.uscc.net/mmsc/MMS?X-USC-MDN=your 10 digit number here (example:
http://mmsc1.uscc.net/mmsc/MMS?X-USC-MDN=5415551234) *the server is CASE SENSITIVE enter in as shown*
Connect Via:My ISP (or USC Or whatever your data connection is)
Send Limit: 1024 KB
WAP: None
Then click Done.
Set USC as Default.
Next NRGZ has enabled Windows Mobile SMS/MMS as well. To access WM SMS/MMS go to Start > Internet > Messaging > SMS/MMS
OR if you have an email setup, click Email Tab > inbox then slide over to SMS/MMS
Second, Now Setup the WM Messaging MMS Server via Start > Internet > Messaging > SMS/MMS > Options > MMS Options > CDMA Servers Tab > New
Enter the below info
Server name: usc
Gateway: left blank
Port number: 80
Server address: http://mmsc1.uscc.net/mmsc/MMS?X-USC-MDN=your 10 digit number here (example:
http://mmsc1.uscc.net/mmsc/MMS?X-USC-MDN=5415551234) *the server is CASE SENSITIVE enter in as shown*
Connect via: My ISP
Send Limit: 300k
Set USC as Default.
Now how this works. You can send PIC and MMS via HTC Messaging but you cannot view pic or vid MMS via HTC Messaging (you will get a text in HTC messaging but it will be blank and have no attachment).
You have to go to the WM SMS/MMS Start > Internet > Messaging > SMS/MMS) to view your pics and MMS just like you did on Sense 2.1