Re: Get Wifi Tethering working on the Verizon Omnia I910
I bought an Omnia for a friend who has a phone on our Verizon plan. She has Vista on her laptop and the only thing I loaded on the Omnia (for tethering) was the ICS cab. She used her laptop previously with a USB air card with Verizon and has since removed the program associated with it from her laptop.
She is currently having a problem keeping the phone with ICS connected to the internet. It connects long enough for her to get to a website and then the Omnia disconnects. She has said that the connection lasts 3 minutes. There is no error message, just a chime of some sort. I asked her to try and disable the wireless connection on the laptop in case it is seeing a wifi connection nearby and that is what is interfering with the connection with the Omnia, but she hasn't tried that yet. I found a suggestion on the PDANET site to also disable the LAN connections too, so I will have her do that as well. I am just wondering that it it were something on the laptop wouldn't she have had this problem with the air card?
I also found a suggestion that there might be a program on the phone that could be trying to access the internet on a regular basis and causing the disconnect. Is there any easy way to figure this out? The only things that I loaded on the stock ROM were the ICS cab, google maps and Microsoft My Phone. I believe that I did run Quickgps as well. I think that I will have her disable the setting to auto download when data expires and see if that is part of the problem.
I did notice that PDANET seemed to work for someone who posted on modaco with this same problem, but I was hoping for a way she could tether with a program that was free. I would rather keep it simple and just have it set up to tether using the cable so we don't have to set up WEP. If we have to resort to trying PDANET will we have to uninstall the ICS cab that I found over at modaco? Is it possible to do that without doing a hard reset?
ANY suggestions would be MUCH appreciated!