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Old 01-14-2010, 05:06 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by mikeszekely View Post
Does this help, even if you don't use IE? I noticed on 6.1 that after I disabled push internet and fixed the registry to have the X button force Opera to quit, I was starting my phone with about 46% memory usage from a soft reset, and before it was in the 60s. Before those fixes, I'd do a soft reset every other day or so when memory usage got close to 80%.

Today, I did the 6.5 update. I installed the no push cab, and I did the same registry fixes. After reinstalling my other cabs (which I don't actually have a lot of) and my contacts, I did another soft reset. Since that soft reset, all I'd done today was two phone calls, a handful of texts, checked my email, and updated the weather tab. Then later at a friend's house, I was checking the price of a book at Amazon using Opera. After I'd closed it, I wanted to make sure it was closed so I opened the mini task manager and was shocked to see that my memory usage was at 71% with no apps running.

Anyway, I put these changes into the registry, then did another soft reset. Memory's right at 46%. I'll see where it's at later.
Is there a post somewhere that shows how to make these registry changes? I'm sort of a newbie so don't want to mess anything up. I don't even know where to find the registry data on my phone. Thanks...
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