Originally Posted by christian.a
I have to give KAOS-INC madd props for hosting all the ROOTRoms!!! I just DL MaxDarkRootCombo 01.13 and it only took 5 minutes...lightning FAASSTT @ 750KB/sec!!
Thanks brother and thanks to the chef for the frequent updates to what is one of the best 2.5 builds on these forums. Gotta love that your on SPRINT.
WOW! =D> This DarkSense2.1 uploaded last night is effin excellent! I wanted to see the progress on the 2.5 that I D/L yesterday but by the time I actually had the opportunity to flash, our madd-busy CHEF cranked out an updated Sense2.1 (my personal preference). Gotta love that both start menu and quickmenu are both located on top. The position fix is somewhat delayed but not a problem...thought it might have been the retractable cab I added but it wasn't. Gonna keep testing while at work but with all that real estate on the bottom taskbar, is there any chance you can add a softkey or two that we can customize?