Originally Posted by alfredo-x
just like how verizon tried to rip off thousands of people by making them buy their crapped up version of the HTC Touch Pro, with LESS ram than what the RETAIL version of the touch pro had, and what everyone did was buy an htc touch pro 2 from sprint, and then configured it for use on verizon!
Verizon disabled this as far as I know.
same thing with the touch pro 2, and other similar windows mobile phones, you BUY the phone, you unlock it, and the phone is YOURS, so you should be able to configure it to use it with any other carrier!
Actually, Sprint doesn't allow any outside phones on their network from what I've heard. They will not add the ESN to their DB.
anyways i didn't come here for trolls or replies from people who don't even know how to configure a phone, can i please get an educated reply from someone that KNOWS about this?
and also, is this for ALL droid phones, or are other phones like the new google nexus one, able to be programmed to work on cricket or something of the such??
I think YOU are the one that is misinformed here. Don't get mad at facts if you can't afford a real carrier. Most of the "unlocking" and "any carrier" nonsense is moreso with GSM and hopping around AT&T and T-Mobile. You see far far less of this in the CDMA world.
Fact: Verizon didn't spend all that money in advertising for you to take their intellectual property to a different carrier. They have every right to do this and as much as you want to believe, this isn't as "common place" as you try and make it seem. Get off your soap box.