Originally Posted by guruvince
Matt, How is the Texas theme coming? Havent heard anything in a while. I know you are a busy man, so no rush.
I wlll try and get back on this tonite, I started on it last nite.
Originally Posted by akinjoe
Please foregive my ignorance, What do you mean by "Bare Build"? It sounds like just installing the OS without programs, correct me if I am wrong.
On my previous post, you promised to send me a registry fix for the low call volume. Does anyone know how to increase the call volume on the titan. I have full build 21887. Thanks for all your support. I am very grateful.
The volume is already at its max, dunno what you have there. Make sure you increase the vol while in a call for louder earpiece.
Yes Bare has very little programs, mainly OS.
Originally Posted by Sun1914
forgive if you've fixed this or you've answered this question already but I've noticed siforgive if you've fixed this or you've answered this question already but I've noticed since New Years my text messages dates have been off...they read 01/13/16. When I reply my stamp is correct but not incoming. Please advise... nce New Years my text messages dates have been off...they read 01/13/16. When I reply my stamp is correct but not incoming. Please advise...
Originally Posted by btonetbone
This is a bug with Windows Mobile itself. It's happening to people on stock ROMs, custom, 6.1 & 6.5. All across the board.
There's a write-up about it here, as well as a fix in the following link (check for Update 3).
Yup that is correct, That is the fix for now, next release will have that taken care of.
Nice hearing from you btonetbone.
Originally Posted by jy1
Hi Matt,
I loaded your latest ROM and it looks great. I have a question. It seems I have 2 dialers showing up on the phone. When I used Sprite to restore the phone after the upgrade it probably merged one that was on a previous rom of yours I was using. I think it was 23053 if that rings a bell. Sprite did not port the add / remove data so I can't find a way to uninstall it. Your new dialer looks much better. Any ideas or is there a cab just for the new dialer in 21887 so maybe I can overwrite the other dialer?
I need to see screen shots as to what you are talking about. I have only one dialer include in this rom, and the link to cab was posted a few posts back. You can try to install that dialer and see what you get. If all else a hard reset is in your future.