Originally Posted by Giggles 312
haha its ok. i'll test this out later tonight. gonna start at 12mb and see what goes on there. cause our vzw's are about 1/2 of those of other carriers.
it is not half, its 192mb vs 256mb... but still, it is a bit crippling. I used a VZW TP for 9 months, still keep it around for testing purposes. by the way, this rom boots fine on VZW
I actually like the VZW design and screen better than sprint. feels more solid and screen is awesome. too bad they took out ram
when I put a sprint TP and VZW tp side by side on my rom, the VZW always feels more responsive and faster
not by much, but there is a difference there somewhere
edit: 14mb free on boot with the 24mb PP. damn 2.5 was not ever intended for this little RAM lol. My rom is pretty slim, too. though I guess you could remove coreplayer, the crank ringtone, etc but that wont free up ram, just rom size...