Originally Posted by i360
Nice turn on the thread.....
I can tell you if Sprint does go with Walmart I will leave them once the ink is dry. I do not do business with that company (ex: explotation of people) and will go to T Mobile (HD2 FTW).
I know, who am I?.... Just someone with morals and principles.
Now carry on...
How is Walmart a worse place to work than say Target or Best Buy or Amazon or Netflix? Hell a lot of tech companies keep people as contractors, including Google, so they don't have to pay benefits. Its capitalism in action. If you are an unskilled worker then your labor is not worth much and Walmart will pay so at least you have a job. A lot of their managers and even corporate personnel started in the stores. Walmart's evil is overstated by people who really do not have any idea what is going on inside of the stores and only listen to the propaganda thrown at you.