Originally Posted by canospinach
Again, none of that validates that the mogul has any more issues than any other handset and is not "As Advertised" or is "Broken". All it states is that a group of clients are unhappy. I dont know of any device sold currently which has %100 satisfaction. There are always unhappy people.
You want constructive feedback, yet you came in here attacking people. Again you are the pot calling the kettle black (once again pun intended).
How exactly are you positively contributing?
You say you dont want debate, why are you here? why did you post a response?
Who is it you say you represent?
Are you sure you read the entire thread?
Answer #1, your not
Answer #2, your not being honest with us as your actions clearly show your intentions.
Answer #3 Not Mogul owners, i am an owner you dont speak for me.
Answer #4 No,Your not being honest with us as your actions clearly show your intentions.
Your post in another thread. Thank you as this thread was about legal action as well and you certainly summed up my core message. Here you appear to prefer the idea of just cancelling service and leaving the company as oppose to frivolous legal action. BTW what was "bait and switch", please show me exactly, pics, documentation etc.
In your own words:
I am sorry you just dont have any credibility here.
Wow from whinning to stalking. Go figure. Are you a fan? Well i'm flattered that you took the time to research my forum post history, but I wonder why I didn't research yours? Oh I remember, you nor your comments are not of any significance to my life. If you have been following my post history so closely you would no that my making reference to just leaving Sprint all together was about the bluetooth issue prior to my own Mogule ownership. To set the record straight once and for all I personally would never pursue litigation with Sprint or any other carrier, because it's not that serious to me. However, I do feel that people have the right to chooose their own resolve pertaining to issues like these, and if they feel a lawsuit is warranted then I whole heartedly support them. Thats my point in the nutshell. My arguement with you is that you are seeking as I quoted previously, "something other than a constructive resolution" i.e. attention. Which I will no longer provide for you, because I have allowed idiocy to allow me to become side tracked from the real issue. Finally, it's not good to fight every post that you don't agree with, rebuffs your perspectives, or doesn't satisfy what you feel is accurate, because you become transparant. So transparant that you have spent nearly 2 days tracking my post in this thread and researching my post history. So, if I am wrong about your quest for attention, what is it that you really do seek on this issue? God Bless and may the Blessings of God be with you and yours during this Holiday season.