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Old 01-13-2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: Interested in helping Linux/Android development?

Is anyone else having issues loading the kernel posted earlier in this thread? I'm not getting any output like others are reporting, pretty sure I am following the instructions to the T:

- I have a CDMA Sprint Treo Pro with the CFay 6.5 1.54 ROM (Build 21234)
- I am using the Haret version mentioned in this thread (pre-0.5.3-200911...)
- I am using the default.txt provided by acidhax in this thread
- I am using the kernel image provided by acidhax in this thread
- I tried running this with the UTB Android pack (1.6) mentioned here and also tried kernel-only without it (commenting out 'set initrd initrd.gz' in default.txt)
- I tried enabling Haret logging by adding a 0 byte file named 'earlyharetlog.txt' and setting the following parameters in default.txt:

set fbduringboot 1
set forcefbduringboot 1

Everything was placed in the root of the SD card. My device simply shows the "HaRET: Booting Linux ..." screen with the progress bar reaching 100% then freezing. At this point I have to soft reset my device then upon reboot there is not haret.log output.

Can anyone please explain this to me? What the hell am I doing wrong here? I need to see this for myself. I was able to get the latest linux-msm development branch (htc-msm-2.6.27) from phusson to compile on my linux VM. I have also been communicating with him as well. I don't believe he knew that there was a CDMA version of this device in addition to GSM. Anyway you can see here where he added support for the new mtype shortly before his first post on xdad that I saw that got me going on this subject.

If someone can help me get up and running with the kernel and android I believe I can help speed the development process here.

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