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Old 01-13-2010, 04:55 PM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
i'm starting to think when we post stuff people don't read the proof. i've shown numerous websites about tmobiles hspa+ network and nobody wants to listen. below is sprints speeds and tmobiles hspa + network speeds. att and verizon don't have anything comparable at this time.

sprints speeds

tmobile speeds
Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
2 of your links dont work and the tmo speeds link say theoretical 21 mbs speeds.
all links have been fixed, and theoritical wimax speeds are 10mbps, you will not see that either, but take a look at the fixed post and it will show you the true speeds of hspa+
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