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Old 01-13-2010, 03:47 PM
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Arrow [APP] SMS Filter Rules (filtering rules for SMSes in the SMS INBOX)

This looks like something many users might like to have! Check it out!
Copied from developers post on xda:

SMSRules is an app developed with help of open source project MAPIDotNet . This app basically is used for creating filtering rules for SMSes in the SMS INBOX.
This app has several features like:
Moving, Copying, Deleting or Hiding a SMS.
Option to create rules on user or a text in the sms body.
Can view and delete rules.
Can create or delete folder in SMS account.
Also store private message with password protection.

Auto run for individual rules or option to run all rules whenever user wants, by running an exe.
Simple Deployment. works from storage Card.
Requires NET CF 3.5

Link to post on xda:

Link to
Trombone players do it in 7 positions!

Last edited by horndoctor; 01-14-2010 at 03:29 AM. Reason: added another link
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