Originally Posted by mlin
The most frustrating thing is that the iPhone MUST be jailbroken to allow basic functionality such as multitasking and downloading from the net, a feat I haven't even bothered with since upgrading past 3.0, infact, I'm not sure if it can be done? This becomes annoying when I jailbreak my phone to run a gameboy or nes emulator, but then I still have to hook the phone up to a computer to get ROMs because I can't download to the device!?!?!
Also, while the multitasking implementations on a jailbroken iPhone are "pretty," (multiflow w/ backgrounder has a nice interface, much like the Pre) the functionality is not reliable. For those of you that have used an iPhone you know that not all programs will reliably run in the background. For instance, I have backgrounded games so I could pause and send a message only to find out that the game did not keep running but decided to close.
You can download what ever you want to your Iphone using Torrentula, and/or Safari download Plugin, and Safari download Manager located in cydia....
Also you can respond to texts while in a game by using the QuickReply program located in cydia..
I havent hooked my Iphone up to a computer since I jailbroke it as I dont need to, becuase I can download whatever and install or extract using iFile, or a program similar... So I wouldnt agree that you need a computer around more for the Iphone.. Its about even in this category if you get the right programs...