Re: <> 01-09-2010 <> Medium Hill ROM's <> Sense 2.5 & Titanium <> SYS 21887 & 23518
Hey Dibbs, just want to thank you again for all the help last night. I am happy to report that after my first day of using your ROM I couldn't be more pleased. This is by far the most (and really only) stable sense 2.5 ROM I've used, and I have used them all. My battery life is at 51% after pretty heavy usage and the only real issue I ran into was the phone dialer which is easily fixed. My usual chef updated today but I'm gonna stick with you. This shit blew me away. Love the email format too. Keep up the good work bro and I look forward to your updates and further integration of your Updater. Thanks
Do Or Do Not... There Is No Try
