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Old 01-12-2010, 07:18 PM
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Re: Sprint: HTC Hero

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
my pixi is worth $399 new, thats what i payed. you would be surprised how many people on palm centro want to trade the hero for it. too bad they are not online right now.
hahaha just because that is the "Retail Price" doesn't mean that's what they are WORTH. No phone is ever actually worth the retail price. I mean take a look at the nexus. $530 retail, but the materials only cost them $175. Sure, there is manufacturing, but that is nowhere near $530 all together. endrant

PS: Good luck with the trade man
[Device History: Alltel Apache(sold), Sprint Vogue(sold), Alltel Vogue(stolen), Alltel Diamond(traded), Sprint Touch Pro(sold), Palm Pre(sold), HERO]