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Old 01-12-2010, 06:12 PM
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Re: Winmo 6.1 Leo Manilla Joint Effort

so far i am loving this rom. WAY faster than any other manilla 2.5 rom out there now (since they all use 6.5+ as a base), however i do have a couple issues with it that i cant seem to iron out completely.

first one is with core player. when i play my mp4 dvd rips (ripped to the TP2 screen size using dvd catalyst 3+), the audio is fine, but the video is very choppy. if i play them in windows media player, they play fine. also, when i choose full screen for video in core player it defaults to the wrong side as being up. windows media player is on the correct side. that i can live with though if i can get rid of the choppy video.

the other is i do not get my favorite buttons in the browser tab to actually show the sites i have linked. instead it shows the bookmark name, but nothing in the picture area. i *think* this has to do with opera not having any bookmarks at all, yet when i click on an empty button to add a bookmark to it, it brings me to the IE favorites list, instead of the opera bookmarks list like it should. when i click the button (still with just the name, no picture) it opens in opera like it should, but will NOT update the button with a screenshot of the site like it is supposed to. does anyone know how to fix this issue?

other than those 2 things, i absolutely love this rom. i get the speed of 6.1, but the manila 2.5 that i want as well.
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