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  #5865 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 05:57 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Not sure if this is a new issue or not but has anyone been having problems where the phone freezes and when you soft reset it and it comes back up...I get the "No Service" icon AND Sense tries to start but fails after a few minutes.

Another thing...I get the "No Service" icon so I can not make or receive calls....but data still works. Can still pull web pages and send and receive email.

I've tried flashing stock and then back to Dec. 31. I've also tried flashing the 1.96.00 radio.

Anyone have a clue? Thx.
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