Originally Posted by icon123
I'm the slowest kid in the class beacause I didn't know that
"Applications System - Messaging Client 1.5.1922.2911.00" was the HTC messaging client from manila 2.5 that could be used in manila 2.1.
I think Calkulin makes a very nice kitchen, that's why I am using it and not one of those other noob friendly chefs, but I feel it would be more complete and benefical to others if there were descriptions on what these packages are/do. I don't have questions on how to use the kitchen or build roms.
I posted this questions so someone could answer it like 2k4mach did and I could learn. I tried figuring it out, but couldn't. Instead I get a lecture from you. Thanks anyhow.
Hey I know where you're coming from, Calkulin's kitchen is by far my go to kitchen,
it is advanced and some things are a pain to change and figure out, but being such a complete kitchen I can see where the others fall short
Part of why this kitchen is great is because he doesn't spend his free time writing tutorials or making configuration lists and do and dont's, instead his focus is on bringing a rock solid port of whatever it is he's working on, while also setting it up to be customizable