Originally Posted by johncal
Running a Lithium Ion battery down hurts it plain and simple. They do NOT have memory issues and should be kept as fully charged as possible. I keep mine as fully charged as I can, I have extremely good life from mine and my batteries last a very long time.
I agree. But thats what I did with my original battery and once it dropped to 30% it was basically over. I'm gonna try and let it at least run down to 50% before I put on the charger(during the day). It already seems 20 times better. I could of had a junk battery from start. My main probelm is bluetooth. ALL DAY! from 8:00am to 6:00pm my headset is in my ear. Every 3 minute phone call drops the battery a few percentage points. After 15 calls the phone is basically drained. But since new battery(so far) charge it once at 1:00pm and i'm good until my bed time charging.