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Old 01-12-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: What would you pay to be able to link your wiimote to your phone...

Originally Posted by bkrodgers View Post
BTW, slightly off topic, but is the WidComm BT stack causing you any trouble? I ask because the developer of MobileRemote (a very cool app that turned a TP1 into a BT mouse & remote for your PC) said "This stack (Widcomm I believe) does not support driver additions and therefore does not support MobileRemote." I realize what you're trying to do is different (you're going the other direction), but I'm curious if you think his answer is on target or just a cover for a decision on his part not to take the time to make it Widcomm compatible. (A decision that's certainly his right)
Its not right on... you do have issue with drivers as microsoft doesnt natively support Widcomm stack. This is why its looking like I will have to pay for a license to a libary that has most of this problem figured out. The Widcomm and MS stacks are similar they just require differnt tools to get them to work. As far as Widcomm giving me problems... I actualy perfer their API then Microsofts... Much easier to use. MS BT stack is just a shell over winsock which can be a pain in the ass. The API Im looking into supports both MS and Widcomm so I should be able to support both. As for right now tho Im focusing on Widcomm so it works with my TP2. Tho I do have my TP1 for testing of the MS stack too...
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