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Old 01-11-2010, 11:50 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800) - PRE-ALPHA (not yet usable)

Originally Posted by computhug View Post
In the 1/9 & 1/10 builds, battery status on my device says charging whether or not it's actually plugged in. Anyone else seeing this? Wondering if it has to do with my rom,I've got No2chem's fast-charge battery driver cooked in.

Makkonen, what rom are you using? If you think it's worth the trouble, I might flash the same one to eliminate some variables in testing.
I don't think it's worth the trouble. I haven't really heard of any problems stemming from ROM differences. The things that cause an effect when android boots are pretty low level initialization stuff, and little more. (I did have trouble with someone trying to get USB connecting, but they couldn't because their ROM didn't have an option for 'Enable Advanced Network Functionality' that they could turn off -- but that's an edge case, and not a big deal).

Originally Posted by MrBogard View Post
I got Eclair booting, but I wouldn't call it working. It's so slow that I can't even unlock the screen. What could I be doing wrong? How much free space should I have on my SD card after the fact?
Make sure you've got the latest Eclair build from babijoee. The first few times it boots, it can have trouble like this; if it continues, I'm not sure. (I had the same problem on an older Eclair build -- it turned out it was polling the modem and timing out, so it would lock up for about 20 of every 25 seconds while waiting for a response.)

As for SD card, you should have at least 256mb free to make the data.img on your first boot. If you don't, it won't work. After it's created the data.img, you shouldn't have to worry about free space.

Originally Posted by b194331 View Post
Hey Makkonen - you might want to add Bluetooth to the list of working/non-working on the first post of this thread.
Done. Thanks.

Edit: Also, for those who are following this thread with a Diamond, and getting increasingly more frustrated by the progress, MrPippy has just posted a new build in his CDMA Diamond thread.

Last edited by makkonen; 01-11-2010 at 11:53 PM.
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