Originally Posted by p-slim
you are correct there is no official press release about that, but overall there haven't been any spec release for the tmobile version at all. the spec sheet you posted is for the european overseas version and before hspa+ was released. I can understand you wanted facts but i haven't found any yet. if their are phones that tmobile have that do hspa, like the nexus or n900, then i'm pretty sure the hd2 will. I'm only going to tmobile if it does and being as microsoft has stated that is the flag ship phone im pretty sure it will.
The Nexus One doesn't do 21mbps either.
http://www.google.com/phone/static/e...ech_specs.html It's 7.2mbps just like the everything else. The N900 is the only phone I know of that will do 21, but who knows when that will be. One company's flagship model doesn't have to do everything another company's flagship model does, there will always be differences across manufacturers, operating systems, networks, carriers etc.
Based on what you said, it looks like you won't be going to T-Mobile after all since the HD2 is not about have a change in it's chipset to support 21mbps. Good luck