If you have HTC Home with the weather set to update, sometimes the phone doesn't shut off the idle data connection.
Same for email checking.
Darkness posted this in a different thread:
Originally Posted by k101d
delete or rename the SuspendResume to XXXX then Add new one as name SuspendResume and select the type to be String the value of this key set to GPRS_bye_if_device_off
and look for the other key name CacheTime (if not found add new one with type of Dword) then set it to the number of second before disconnect like this
CacheTime = 60
check for every thing right and then make a soft reset after if reboot go to turn on GPRS like check your mail and after the download mail complete and wait for 60 second it auto disconncet GPRS.
I wonder it work I notice I has been make this before but it doesn't work so I decide to rename the key SuspendResume and make a new one and now I very happy with this registry hack on my Treo750
PS: finally
HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings\SuspendResume=G PRS_bye_if_device_off
It has helped with my idle data connection issues.
There is also a set of registry hacks that disable stuff that you probably don't use on a regular basis.
Found in this link:
I used these, and I have increased battery life substationally. With moderate internet, and average calling, I can stretch a battery out over 2 days, maybe more.