Originally Posted by vernox701
Thanks for the hybrid Sys... I successfully added Office 2010 to my 28011 sys, once I have time to nail down a few errors I will give 28205 another shot....
28205 is going in the trash here. Too many problems with the phone and dialer not working. Sc00bs files help and it's much better than the standalone 28205 in this matter, but not working well as an every day phone for me. I constantly have to reboot to be able to open the dialpad, etc. Many missed calls since flashing to this one.
With that said, I followed the link at xda to add threaded mail and office '10 into 28011, but I couldn't get my vzw tp to boot.
For me 23511 and 28011 seem to run the best. I think I'll just stick with those and forget about the "upgraded" email and office apps.