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Old 01-11-2010, 12:36 AM
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Re: Am I the Only Person Thats Not Crazy about Andriod OS?

Originally Posted by PhyscoAssassinx View Post
it feels like im the only person that still loves WM, every one else ive talked with prefers android os saysing WM is a POS
android competition is good for the market. it just seems no closer than WM7 is being really ready for primetime.

android is a mishmash that google needs to get on one "version" path asap. what started with great promise (competition to MS & apple and converging different phone OS's) has failed in many areas thus far. This is especially troubling given it's limited device/carrier support in a new ecosystem. It seems that HTC, Motorola (later Samsung), etc. will load "their software" on Android making it a mess, much like WM to customers.

Most of WM's bad press is from annoyed/disgruntled bloggers who realize microsoft is screwing up with it's delay and non-action (ie. even making wm6.5 more useful with simple features, easily programmed).

WM is in a holding pattern with wm6.5, no doubt because MS wants wm7 on BETTER PHONES with a higher minimal HARDWARE set (probably to play games and integrate with xbox live and microtransactions in market). microsoft seems to have learned from the "vista ready" (512mb celeron 1.5ghz notebooks & pcs LOL) debacle.

WM7's timing is locked on to when these chipsets/screens will be ready to market. I'd wager by end of year WM will be the flavor of the month much like Windows7 is (vs Vista, etc.). Now imagine if microsoft had the smarts to lower wm7 license costs gaining $$$ from it's apps market instead of wm licenses.

One huge area of interest is that carriers obviously dont won't/like android devices taking away any chance to sell $9.99 turn-by-turn navigation and many other fees away from them. Or google phone app... and whatever is next.
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