Originally Posted by eduardmc
this rev-a and navigation will also be release for the touch?
not sure about the touch, as i am not 100% sure it has the hardware for the rev a. this of course is just speculation on my part.
Originally Posted by Joeriginal
I was talkin with a sprint sales rep and they told me there was a plan i can get and pay the same i pay now for unlimited texts and and ulimited data, but this one would have navigation too, I think when and if the nabvigation feature on the Titan is enabled we would need to upgrade to a plan for it.
as for packages, vision has three main tears (sp). first is the one for 15 bucks a month. Unlimited picture, internet, access to sprint music, and gps acces for 3 bucks on the day you use it for the whole day of access. next tear(sp) is 20 bucks a month and gives everything the first tear does but gives you unlimited gps. the third tear(sp) is 25 bucks a month and gives everything the second tear does but also gives unlimited sprint tv and radio.
I work for a company that sells Sprint as a vendor