Post 4: Tweaks/Fixes
#777 Error
IF you get the #777 Data Error over and over, follow these directions to fix the #777 issue. Instructions by linkedinomaha
1. Go to Settings
2. All Settings
3. Connections
4. Connections (again)
5. Manage Existing Connections
at this point you will see "My connection" or something like that with the #777 number. Make sure that is selected.
6. Click on Edit
7. Next
8. Next
You will now be at a username, password and Domain screen. Leave the username and Domain blank.
9. Enter in your 10 digit password (the is your phone number example 5415551234)
10. Hit finish and then Ok.
**If it says "are you sure you wanna do this?" just hit yes. You may also want to do a soft reset.**
There you go. No more annoying #777 error messages. Enjoy.
Keyboard Fix
Is all of you FN keys not the correct one? Install the
USCC_Keyboard_Fix[1].cab and your FN Keys will work correctly now.
Text Message from the Future
If you are getting SMS/MMS and the year says 2016 and you are wondering why your threading is messed up.
HTC has released the official fix here or see attached
USC SMS Time stap
My Radio/Bar Signal Icon is a white icon with an X
This is because our CDMA Worldphone once flashed is looking for a Sim Card. The Sim Card slot is behind the battery. To solve this issue you can purchase a
blank Sim Card from ebay or wherever you like.
Info on SIM Card from
Originally Posted by jmy72
You most certainly can use the SIM Card. I have T-Mobile SIM card, that can be used on T-Mobile service with a USCC TP2. You have to use the SIM Security Unlocker first. This will allow you to flash the WU Radio Instead of the WV radio that is presently installed. After you install the WU Radio, your phone will be unlocked to use on any US GSM Carrier.
You can use the SIM Card without unlocking SIM when you are in another country as is. This is a global phone that can be used ANYWHERE! (Except perhaps on the space station)
Enable SMS/MMS with Sense 2.5
HKLM/system/inbox/accounts/external accounts/sms and rename "sms" to ""
Set Data to turn off
Navigate to Start > Tools > Tweaks > WVGA Tweak > Section 6 Data
Select 6.1 Disconnect after set to 1 minute. or whatever you prefer.
Set Backlight
Navigate to Start > Backlight
Select the level > I usually run around 3 sets of bars
Change U.S. Cellular to Custom Text
Download and install (attached) then run the program from Start > Personalizer > Set any Custom Text you want.
Auto Wallpaper Changer
Download and install (attached) then run the program from Start > Auto Wallpaper Changer. You can set the Windows Moblie wallpaper as well the Sense Wallpaper to change from a specified directory and a specified interval. Enjoy!
Track My Phone
Download and installer
SmartPhoneTrackerFreeInstall1.37.0.0.CAB (attached) or visit for updates and how to use.
Get Current GPS Location
Download and install (attached) then run via Start for your current GPS Location send via sms, etc
Take Screenshots for troubleshooting
Download and install
SpbScreenshot_setup[1].cab (attached) then run via start.
Local Cities under Weather Tab
Download and install
Manila_v2.1_USA_Cities_Weather_DB[1].cab, soft reset, from the weather tab you now will be able to browse by state the down to cities.
Keyboard Sliding Sounds
CMYLXGO has made this package of some pimp sounds, download and install
CMYLXGOs.MEGA.Sliding.Sound.Pack[1].cab, soft reset, then run via > Start > Settings > Personal > Keyboard Sliding Sound
Program your phone via EPST
Download and install
BAFMSL[1].cab this will give you the unlock code to edit your phone programing via EPST.