Re: Sprint will now charge you $4.99 a month if you don't have automatic credit card
Hey i do not care about paying 4.99 sprint for having a spending limit.. cause where else would i go? att ( heck no,, coverage sucks ) verizon ( heck no,, to expensive ) t-mobile ( lol , just left them no coverage )
I could go metro pcs,, but im happy with sprint.. and paying 4.99 extra.. is still way cheaper than the other guys.. not to mention i have 25% discount anyway..
now if your a sero user. etc. i can understand why u would be mad. your 30 dollar plan just went up by 5 bucks before tax.. but unless u buy old phones of ebay.. i say by the end of next year. all new phones will require a simply everything plan anyway.. so by by sero....