Palm treo difficulties...
Hey everyone, I am new to the palm world. I have the Sprint palm treo pro. I am having issues with my alarm clock not working, it doesn't even attempt to go off when I set it. The next problem is when I receive texts it doesn't show a time stamp just the date example 1/4 opposed to what it used to do where it said the time. HOW DO I FIX THIS!!!
The next question as I was searching for ways to fix these problems one place had me DL a patch for the timestamp problem so did that saved it to personal and then had it seems to still not have fixed the problem.
I then also DLed another program for an alarm clock seeing as I use that for my alarm to wake of for class/work. I did the same thing DLed it to personal, installed it and now don't know where or how to get it to work. Is there anything anyone can do to help me out? I am so lost with this phone!!! also is seems really lagish when I am typing a sms or online is that normal??
Thank you for your time