Originally Posted by clueless25
Ok I'm baffled. Installed the dissableddocumentindexer cab. Um I only had 6 files indexed. But i installed because people swareing this was reason for battery drain. NO ITS NOT! When I installed that darn cab all the sudden I had 9999 files indexed! It indexed everything on the rom! Not to mention in 20 minutes my battery went down 15 points. WTH! Uninstalled it and docs are back to normal! I still say its a memory leak somewhere with battery issue
The same thing happened to me. NRG said this was the root of problem of the memory leakage, but after installing this cab I got the same problem...9999 files. Once I uninstalled this it went back to normal but I still have the memory problems. Im not expert but I thought that cab was supposed to fix this.