Here we Go Once Again!!!!
Well it's happened again! The phone has once again pulled it's famous crash when you need it most! This Phone is an official POS!!! If I did not get it through my employer I would have chucked it to the ground and smashed it into as many pieces!! This my friends is shear unadulterated frustration! Oh and I will make the call(as I have done numerous times before)and surely get the very same BS story as I get each and every time! These Clowns must be robots because I get the very same Oh Im sorry to here that,you don't say,have you done this? And of course I have been there and done all of that many times before! I can't say how much I actually Loath this pile of Dog jit!!! I can only say that I pity any poor soul that attempts to put any applications on His or Her Touch sh-t!!
Off Rant................
Anyone have a clue how to get rid of this junk and get an upgrade from these Clowns? I have also tried and gotten turned down Twice............................................