Go with Verizon! See I keep telling people Sprint sucks! I ditched my business data line with them. I almost switched my reg phone to them. Glad I didn't. What im surprised is why are you still under a spending limit program still? You should have been switched to a regular account. Their loss!
Originally Posted by cohowap
So I got a letter from Sprint the other day stating they want to charge me $4.99 per month because my account is under an "Account Spending Limit".
I called Sprint today because I find this fee to be bullcrap, and I was told they are willing to cancel my account without paying any early termination fee. I've been with Sprint for 9 years to the month. I've never had a bill under $120 USD and yea, sometimes I paid a few days late, but they always got paid. And now over $4.99 a month, Verizon or AT&T is getting a new customer.
Is there a future for this company?