Originally Posted by nsa_sailor
You added youtube.com to your Opera favorites?
If you want youtube.com in your Opera favorites, but don't want it on the browser screen, then create a folder within the favorites and add the shortcut there. It only displays shortcuts in the "Root" folder, not any subfolders or the items in these subfolders
its not a favorite its the actuall youtube exe
PPCGeeks Regular
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 82
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Wirelessly posted (XV6975 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
what taskbar and slider/theme is that
here install the black metal cdma fix first the the m6 taskbar
the theme is pegasus dusk theme v5 turn tf3d off first then install theme then turn it on
slider is keiths black and white slider clock is small reflective clock from i forgot who