Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff
The capacitive screen is a big improvement. I think the thing I like about Android most is that it just works well, and I'm still able to dig into it and tweek it and personalize it. With WM, I HAD to tweek it and dig into it just to get it to work, and even then lots of things just didnt look polished like it does with Android and a lot of the things I could "tweek" it to do were kinda glitchy and unreliable. To me, WM was like an old car that I didnt want to get rid of because It was my first, and even though I loved, it I was always having to work on it to keep it going.
thats the one thing i agree on is that android and the iphone just work....no real slow downs no soft resetting all the time no lag when opening texts or the dialer....